Chasing Love
by Shan Mahogany
I've found that in life, people tend to pursue after different things. For some, their dreams, others, fame and fortune. Some even find themselves chasing after the high they felt when they first experimented with some sort of drug. But for me, for as long as I could remember, my desire had been the possession of love. Love as in, the genuine, unconditional acceptance a woman receives from the man she is in love with.
This unremitting pursuit was fueled by a relationship I once had as a teenager. The experience of that one connection shaped my perception and expectations well into adulthood.
But there lied a serious problem.
I'd built doctrinal truths based on one affair, and after it ended I found myself on a slippery slope of several devastating disappointments after another, when potential beaus didn't add up.
The determination to strike the proverbial gold resulted in a collection of unnecessary heartache and regret. And yet, in the midst of my fruitless pursuit, the sliver-lining was God's quest of finding me. However, before my complete captivation, I had to learn the hard lesson of allowing love to apprehend me.
Journey with me through my past and glean from the lessons I've learned while Chasing Love.

Shan Mahogany was born and raised in Freeport, Grand Bahamas. At the age of 15, she relocated to Tampa, Florida where she discovered her talent for writing. Shan’s most popular titles include Emphasis On Love: A Compilation of Poems and In My Defense. Her work has been featured in Our Cup Runneth Over, Inspirations, Pentecostal Fire and Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. Her creative ability far extends writing as she enjoys graphic arts and design.